HOA Board News

President’s Message—Jancie Reinbold February 2023

Welcome Snowbirds! Great to see such a great gathering on Friday, Jan 13. It was wonderful a wonderful event with food, music, conversation, and the auction. The social committee did a wonderful job of organizing this event and it was enjoyed by all. More events are scheduled to come-please see the Calendar. First of all,

By |2023-01-29T13:56:38-05:00January 29th, 2023|Categories: HOA Board News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

Meet New Board Members Kerry Weatherbee and MC Matter

Kerry Weathersbee / Director  Greetings to all Pointe Park Residents and Owners, I am Julian Kerry Weathersbee, (most everyone knows me as Kerry). I am enthusiastic about having the opportunity to serve as a new appointee on the Board of Directors and look forward to working with the other Board Members to meet and maintain

By |2023-01-29T13:56:48-05:00January 29th, 2023|Categories: HOA Board News, Park Pointe General News, Public|2 Comments

October’s 2022 President Report

Quarterly meetings with vendors with whom we have contracts have always been a goal. This quarter, we met with two of the vendors accounting for the largest expenditure of our budgets.   The first of these meetings took place on 9/8/22.  In anticipation of the new board taking office in October, the entire current board

By |2022-11-09T11:03:49-05:00October 5th, 2022|Categories: HOA Board News, Park Pointe General News, President's Report, Public|0 Comments
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