President’s Message

The President’s August Message: A Community Update

PRESIDENTS MESSAGE August 2022 We have reached the halfway mark for 2022 and despite the pressures of the current economic conditions, we have remained on plan with our spending and still had the ability to address key maintenance needs and add some additional non-essentials for the community. As we begin the second half of

By |2022-07-27T14:54:44-04:00July 27th, 2022|Categories: HOA Board News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s July Message: A Community Update

PRESIDENT’S   MESSAGE I’m not sure how many residents of Park Pointe know that our community has 16 different condo associations and 1 home owners association. Nine of the condo associations are managed/governed by 1 three-person board. The other 7 condo associations have their own individual boards with different board structure and the HOA

By |2022-07-04T07:29:24-04:00July 1st, 2022|Categories: HOA Board News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s May Message: A Community Update

PRESIDENTS MESSAGE We are entering the final 6 months of the current board’s term. To date, we have completed a number of projects to enhance and maintain the community. Most notably are the kitchen renovation, the new pool furniture, resurfacing of the tennis and pickleball courts, installation of our new aeration fountains, and the art

By |2022-05-29T07:08:34-04:00April 29th, 2022|Categories: HOA Board News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s April Message

If you missed the March 26 Spring Fling at the pool, you missed a fun evening of entertainment, dining, and camaraderie. A big shout out to the Social Committee for organizing a fun evening. We are lucky to have many organized activities here at Park Pointe. There is everything from an organized bowling league, and

By |2022-04-05T11:23:36-04:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Park Pointe General News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s March Message

The turnout for our February Board of Directors Meeting was amazing! I can’t remember a meeting with a greater turnout. To say that the cable contract discussion was lively would be an understatement! I want to thank everyone for their comments and input. You can be sure the board will be taking all views into

By |2022-03-04T11:46:03-05:00March 1st, 2022|Categories: HOA Board News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s February Message

We have identified a number of projects which will need to be addressed this year.  Some of these projects already have a strategy in place, but require the development of specific implementation plans. For example, we are allocating approximately $50,000 of our 2022 landscaping budget to upgrading the condo association building areas. Working with the

By |2022-02-04T13:36:09-05:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Park Pointe General News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s December Message

With the Holiday Season quickly approaching, we are welcoming back our snowbird residents. It is always a pleasure to see friends again and, we are excited to see residents preparing for Christmas and decorating their condo building exteriors. A special thank you to Linda Delizza for spearheading the community Christmas and Hanukkah decorations. Our new

By |2021-12-04T19:39:28-05:00December 3rd, 2021|Categories: President's Message, Public|0 Comments

The President’s November Message

Our new board has officially taken office and, we will have our first meeting on November 8, 2021. Both the November and December meetings are rescheduled to the earlier parts of the month due to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. None of us is immune from the current impact of inflation. We see the

By |2021-11-22T12:48:37-05:00November 5th, 2021|Categories: President's Message, Public|0 Comments

Annual Board Election Results from the President

Hello Park Pointe Owners, The results of Thursday’s Annual Board Meeting featuring voting for 3 board member vacencies for 2022 are as follows: Jancie Reinbold 176 votes Richard Eisner    106 votes Barbara Schegg 100 votes Mark Dobosz.       89 votes Consequently, the full 2021 Board of Directors (BOD) remains intact for 2022 and all officers

By |2021-11-22T12:48:56-05:00October 30th, 2021|Categories: Park Pointe General News, President's Message, Public|0 Comments
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