Treasurer’s Report

President’s Message—Jancie Reinbold June 2023

A warm welcome to Adriana Souza, our new Admin in the office. She has a fabulous smile, willingness to work and helps everyone who comes into the office with enthusiasm. Our community is lucky to have found you! I would also like to shout out to Cyle and Willie for their amazing work in

By |2023-06-15T13:21:18-04:00June 3rd, 2023|Categories: President's Message, Public, Treasurer's Report|0 Comments

Treasurer’s March Report

Treasurer’s Report— Jim O’Connor As of January 31, 2022 the Operational funds for Park Pointe were at a balance of $266,579 and the Reserves account was at $231,481. Our revenue for the month of January was $116,250 and our expenses were $126,627 leaving a negative variance of $10,376.  Magnolia Park has an Operational balance of

By |2022-04-05T11:24:04-04:00March 4th, 2022|Categories: Park Pointe General News, Public, Treasurer's Report|0 Comments

Treasurer’s November Report

The financial picture at Park Pointe is stable. At the end of October, our operating funds total $360,717 and our Reserve Funds total $271,426. The Reserves are placed into 12 different “line items”, each designated as a specific savings account for a specific large-item expense. For example, a contract was just signed to resurface the

By |2021-11-22T12:48:21-05:00November 5th, 2021|Categories: Public, Treasurer's Report|0 Comments

Treasurer’s July Report

Based on June 30, 2021, Financial Report, the Park Pointe operating funds total  $347,449. The revenue was $104,549, expenses were $136,214 with a negative  variance of $31,665. The Reserves are at $250,683 after a $6,900 contribution and $20.01 interest.   A Reserve fund is money set aside to cover large (greater than $10,000) future financial obligations.

By |2021-08-27T17:01:00-04:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: Treasurer's Report|0 Comments

Treasurer’s June Report

Treasurers Report Jim O’Connor reported that for the month of May operational cash was at $353,195 following retrieval of a $22,000 Comcast overpayment and transfer of funds from closed bank accounts.   Reserves were at $244,386.  Revenue was $104,344 and expenses were $94,833, allowing for a $9,511 positive variance.  He recommended that we consider

By |2021-07-10T14:13:22-04:00June 30th, 2021|Categories: Treasurer's Report|0 Comments
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